The Importance of Unboxing Experience

Upon receipt of the package, unboxing is the customer’s first physical experience with the product, so it is crucial, it must be positive and pleasant for the customer. Whether at the level of sensory impressions (touch, smell, visual) but also on the simplicity of opening, this first interaction of the customer with the product must be pleasant. Buying online does not allow physical interaction of the customer with the product, so the first impression with it must be positive.

Unboxing videos emerged on our social networks for several years now, before placing an order, customers do not hesitate to consult reviews on the product whether they are made by influencers or not.

This phenomenon of unboxing videos works well, because they allow several things:

• The authors of these videos take the time to accurately describe their impressions and focus on the details: this allows the consumer to see what they are going to invest their money in concretely

• Having an idea of the real size of the items purchased online, which is not really obvious when the customer consults the product only on the e-commerce site.

• Obtain a hot and sincere opinion (when the content is not sponsored)

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